Kaj HattenhauerProbably Sweden’s most
experienced sales developer

Trained more than 10,000 people


Supported more than 100 organisations


More than 30 years of experience


Increased sales results

I improve the ability of individuals and organizations to do better business.

”I wish to convey my sincere gratitude for the sales training we concluded this morning. Our company’s situation, marked by a limited product portfolio, often leads us to adopt a defensive stance, making us a challenging group to work with. Nevertheless, your humble and receptive approach to our feedback transformed each session into a meaningful process. It enabled us to revisit fundamental yet crucial selling concepts, which will undoubtedly enhance our interactions with both internal and external customers.”

”Kaj is a truly inspiring and motivational individual. A bona fide entrepreneur with client relationships spanning decades, it is no wonder that he is seen as one of Sweden’s most experienced and sought after sales developers. Kaj has managed to stay relevant in the highly transformational field of sales development and I can highly recommend reaching out to him if you need input on how to develop yourself or your team.”

”I am one of the 10,000 people you have trained to become better salespeople. We met around 2010 at SAS Institute when you trained us. It was a turning point in my career. I stayed for 15 years, first as best salesperson, then best sales manager.”

”The most humble mentor I had been mentored by, such a learning experience that I’ve learned a lot from Kaj on a personal & business level. Best mentoring experience.”

”I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks for the great and instructive training you conducted. It was truly a rewarding experience and I appreciate all the knowledge and insights you shared with us. Personally, I look forward to making great use of what I learned in the future

Thank you very much.”

Increased sales performance

Management – Training – Coaching

Interim sales manager/Coach

Use an experienced sales manager to establish structure in the sales work and ensure efficiency and customer orientation.

Regardless of how experienced the salespeople are on your team, or what sales training they have received, there are always ways to increase efficiency and results.

  • Establish realistic leading and lagging indicators
  • Ensure effective sales processes
  • Refine sales methods
  • Develop sales skills
  • Coach specific behaviors that lead to results


I de-dramatize sales work and get more people to sell more by taking the best out of established sales models and making them more accessible. For example:

  • PSS Professional Selling Skills
  • PSC Professional Sales Coaching
  • SSwP Strategic Selling with Perspective
  • CSwP Conceptual Selling with Perspective
  • PSN Professional Sales Negotiations
  • NBC Needs Based Coaching


Do you need an inspirational lecture or a shorter workshop?
Topics that customers appreciate include:

  • What can you learn from research in sales?
  • What is the new customer’s buying behavior?
  • How can you meet customer expectations?
  • How can we strengthen the sales process, sales methods and sales skills?
  • Sales behaviors that increase value for the customer
  • How can a manager create a motivating workplace?
  • Why is coaching an important part of the result?

More than 100 organizations have chosen to work with Kaj Hattenhauer to improve their sales performance.

Kaj Hattenhauer helps leaders to lead better, salespeople to sell more, and service providers to provide service that creates customer loyalty.

  • Abbott
  • Advent
  • ALD
  • Alimak
  • Amarin
  • Aratron
  • Arrow
  • Assa
  • AstaReal
  • Astellas
  • Autoliv
  • Barnes
  • Boehringer Ingelheim
  • BSN Medical
  • Caterpillar
  • Crane
  • Danhydra
  • Dansac&Hollister
  • DELL
  • Dentsply
  • Elektroskandia
  • Envirotainer
  • Falck
  • Flextrus
  • Galderma
  • GE Capital
  • GlaxoSmithKleine
  • Hewlett Packard
  • Honeywell
  • Hypergene
  • Janssen Cilag
  • Konecranes
  • KTH
  • Lindorff
  • Länsförsäkringar
  • Marel
  • Menigo
  • Mettler Toledo
  • Nasdaq
  • Nordicinfu care
  • Novartis
  • NovoNordisk
  • Ovako
  • Pfizer
  • Pricer
  • PwC
  • Roche
  • Sandvik
  • SAP
  • SAS Institute
  • SCA
  • Scania
  • SEB
  • Siemens
  • SITA
  • Skandia
  • Skanska
  • Snowsoft
  • Sparbanken
  • Struers
  • Studsvik
  • Swedbank
  • Telenor
  • ThermoFisher
  • Tieto
  • Tomra
  • Toyota
  • Westinghouse

About Kaj Hattenhauer

Kaj Hattenhauer is one of Sweden’s most renowned sales performance consultants.

In 1988, he established AchieveGlobal on the Nordic market with offices in the four Nordic countries. After a consistent revenue growth the company was acquired by Miller Heiman, which later was acquired by Korn Ferry. Kaj was appointed as Nordic Commercial Leader at Korn Ferry Digital. During his three years at Korn Ferry the sales result increased by 260%.

During his years as a business leader, Kaj has been through several global and national crises and learned to act quickly to make the company emerge stronger. Kaj has led multi-million dollar deals and has been responsible for a sales budget of over 100 million SEK.

For more than 30 years, Kaj Hattenhauer launched several successful training programs in the Nordic region. Including:

  • PSS Professional Selling Skills.
  • SSwP Strategic Selling with Perspective
  • WAS Winning Account Strategies
  • PSN Professional Sales Negotiations
  • IMS Interpersonal Managing Skills
  • NBC Needs-Based Coaching
  • PSC Professional Sales Coaching
  • CSwP Conceptual Selling with Perspective,
  • MPO Managing the Performance of Others
  • Service Ready
  • BSO Bridging Service into Sales

Kaj is involved in sales research conducted by various companies. Thanks to his independence, he is able to draw on the best of various studies and training programs to create an approach that is uniquely tailored to the client.

Regardless of whether the customer has experience from PSS, SPIN, Challenger Sales, Solution Selling, Strategic Selling or something else, Kaj can contribute to an increased sales performance.

Kaj has helped more than 100 organizations strengthen their sales performance. His experience allows him to drive the development of a sales force without falling into the traps that often occur.

Kaj is an appreciated lecturer, trainer, coach, mentor and leader and has together with customers built several sales schools, sales academies and created customized sales training.

Listen to a podcast about modern sales (Swedish): Modern Sales: https://bit.ly/saljpod2

Listen to a sales research podcast (Swedish): Useless Salespeople: https://bit.ly/saljpod1

Inspirational videos

Kaj Hattenhauer helps leaders to lead better, salespeople to sell more and service providers to provide service that creates customer loyalty.

One size does not fit all!

You need to adapt your sales technique to where the customer is in their buying cycle.

Stop asking the wrong questions!

Some salespeople ask questions that annoy the customer. Avoid this by asking the right questions!

Never mistake a social relation for a business relation!

One of the biggest mistakes salespeople make is trying to make friends with the customer. Sure, relationships are important – but first it’s a business relationship.

Improve the result by walk the talk

Are you selling solution or do you create value?

Four buyer expectations on salespeople

First of four buyer expectations on salespeople

Second of four buyer expectations on salespeople

Third of four buyer expectations on salespeople

Fourth of four buyer expectations on salespeople

Sales behaviours to avoid

Don’t get trapped in the customer objection

Process, methodology or skill?

Vad är behovet bakom behovet?

Contact Kaj Hattenhauer

+46 708 32 28 29

© Copyright - Partner in sales Sweden AB, Bergsvägen 61b, 18131 Lidingö, info@partnerinsales.se, Tel: +46708322829